Blogging Fails and How to Avoid Them

You’ve probably heard it a million times by now: Blogging is a vital part of a successful SEO campaign.

But if blogging was all that it took, every site would be successful. The unfortunate truth is that many bloggers fail.

But that doesn’t have to be you! Let’s take a look at some of the common reasons why other bloggers can fail. Then I’ll show you how to avoid those mistakes and what actions to do instead.

Mistake #1: Failure to Dedicate Enough Time to Blogging

There’s no particular shortcut here. You have to find the time to create new content.

I recommend posting about three articles a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are usually good options.

There are two benefits to publishing as frequently as possible:

1. You can build an audience. If you publish on a regular schedule, your readers will develop a habit of checking out your newest posts.

2. Search engines will increase your ranking. Regular content shows the search engines that you’re active in your industry.

Mistake #2: Not Understanding Your Potential Audience

You have to understand what your audience wants to see. This involves understanding your target market and your industry.

One tool I’ve found useful here is Buzzsumo. This platform lets you search for popular blog posts in your industry. Discovering what’s popular now can often give you insight about what will be popular for the future.

Creating a Customer Profile is the best way to understand your target audience. This a profile for a fictional customer you build by looking at real-world data. For help building a Customer Profile, check out The Power of Buyer Personas.

Mistake #3: Failure to Promote Your Content

Your blogs can’t exist in a vacuum. You’ll need to connect with your potential audience by promoting yourself. The best way to do this usually via social media.

You’ll want to tweet, share on Facebook and otherwise post on your social media channels. Include links to your newest post. Be sure to link directly to the content you promised – don’t direct the reader to unrelated promotion and under-deliver.

Another way to promote content is through your existing network. These will most often be subscribers to your e-newsletter. This a great place to promote your content because your audience is already aware of your brand interested in what you have to say.

Finally, you’ll want to promote your content with Guest Blogging. This when you create content either for or in partnership with someone else.

Not just anyone, of course. You want to connect with an industry influencer. This someone who is well-known in your industry. They’re a pundit, blogger reviewer or other industry commenter or some sort.

Writing content for a popular blog is usually a great way to boost your brand visibility – and, even better, promote that content to a whole group of people who are already at least somewhat interested in what you have to say.

Identifying, connecting and working with an influencer is a bit of an art and a bit of a science.

Mistake #4: Not Being Yourself

There’s only one of you. Let your personality shine through. People appreciate authenticity. Add personal anecdotes to any lessons and guides.

People also want to hear from experts. Thisn’t really something you can fake. Make sure to stay on top of your industry so you can write about the latest news.

Mistake #5: Sticking to One Content Type Exclusively

Blogs will probably be the most plentiful type of content you create. But add other types of content into the mix, too. Videos are great because you can publish on Youtube, which has a large potential audience who is relatively easy to find. Check out How to Turbocharge Your Youtube Channel for tips here.

Aside from videos, publish an infographic from time to time. These work well if you’re trying to convey a lot of complicated, technical information.

Vary your blog posts by occasionally publishing long-form content. A comprehensive guide can be useful to readers for years to come. Plus, long form content is appealing to the search engines and can provide a boost to your SERP.

These are all mistakes both myself and many other marketers have made at one point or another. But you don’t have to make them yourself! Keep these five tips in mind as you continue to create blog posts.